The Vessel
Captain Steve (732) 309-7689
Your premier charter boat for
inshore / offshore sport fishing
Skylarker Charters
length: 70'
beam: 20'
powered by: Twin Turbo 550 HP CAT diesels
hull: Aluminum
Builder: Gulfcraft
Year Built: 1995
Location built: Paterson LA
Specifically designed to fish the North Atlantic
Amenities include:
Open fishing platform
Custom tackle: Penn Fishing Reels with custom rods furnished by Kevin Bogan Custom Rods
Heated Cabin
Full size head (restroom)
interior and exterior seating for a more comfortable ride
Full Galley Including Microwave
Licensed for up to 49 persons to to 100 miles off shore
Equipped with IBA (inflatable life raft)
USCG certified
The Hull
The Deck
The Galley
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